Each village has its own charm, and promise their owners the economic well-being and prosperity. When this is the correct management of the finances of the energy is a whole science.
The slavs cash amulet, from time immemorial, is considered to be in the shape of a horseshoe, the chinese - the three-legged frogs with coins in the mouth. For the amulet had magical powers, it is important to do so with their own hands and charge the positive energy.
How to make a charm for the money
Make an amulet for the money possible of coins, stones, wood, fabrics, essential oils, and other improvised means. Let's look at how to make a variety of charms to attract money with their own hands.
Amulet for the money: "Bag of money"
For the manufacture of amulet before cooking: different currencies of the dignity, eucalyptus oil and fabric of the bag. Each coin must be lubricated with oil of eucalyptus and add in the bag that you want to hand sew any fabric. After this, the money bag tie a string to it and leave it in the secret place. Periodically take out your amulet and not untying him, in his hands. However, it is important to think about your own financial well being, and cash flows.
Amulet for the money: "Non-exchangeable currency"
To convert the one-dollar bill on the amulet, it is necessary to take the found in the street of the currency and put it in the department of portfolio or wallet. This magical ritual must be performed on the waxing of the moon. Non-exchangeable currency will help you to increase your income, as well as to attract into your life new cash flows.
The amulet of his hands: "the Money of a on in the financial well-being"
This amulet is necessary to create in the rising of the moon on Thursday. For its manufacture, prepare: cloth and a candle of green color, a tablecloth of red, a coin, a leaf of eucalyptus and oil of bergamot. At midnight on the table, let the table-cloth of red and light a candle. In the table, place the green cloth, and on it - a coin, greased with oil of bergamot, eucalyptus leaf. Then repeat three times the following magic words: "the Wealth of to get, as well, as I want." Next, bend the green cloth with a coin and the leaf of eucalyptus in an envelope. This money amulet you should always bring.
The amulet of his hands: "Monetary box"
This amulet not only attract money, but also will increase their number several times. For the manufacture of amulet prepare a box without images and text boxes, the amethyst, the currency, and the money, several chinese coins with a red ribbon. In the rising of the moon, double in money in case all of the objects and hide them from prying eyes. Once a month, place a bit of cash in coins or bills in the box.
Amulet for the money: "the Taste of the pet of the wealth."
The magi say that some fragrances are capable of attracting money. For the manufacture of aromatic of the pet, prepare a cloth bag, a value of 50 rubles, three coins, the powder of basil and cinnamon, as well as two drops of the following essential oils: bergamot, sandal, patchouli, pine, eucalyptus, cinnamon, and nutmeg.
In a glass jar of capacity necessary to mix all the essential oils. This manipulation should be done in the waxing of the moon on Saturday. Then, in a container with a mixture of essential oils should get three coins and leave them there for three days. After this, the coins that you need to remove immediately and wrap in a currency of 50 ruble ticket of a dollar. After received the package, place it in a cloth bag and place in it the dust of cinnamon and the basilica. Aromatic pet should always carry in your wallet.
Amulet for the money: "the Magic bracelet amulet"

For the manufacture of this amulet to buy new yarns in the following colors: red, green, and blue. These colors are not casual, as well as the color red help to increase the strength of the desires, the color green is the symbol monetary well-being, and the color blue will assist fulfillment of the desire. Of these thread in the growing of the moon, weave braid and secure the ends together for the bracelet.
In the weaving process it is important to focus on your own desire, and think only of the financial well-being. Bracelet-the amulet of the need to use on the ankle of the left leg. After obtaining a large sum of money, or the success of the transaction bracelet amulet, you need to burn.
The amulet of his hands "Money ball"
This amulet will help you attract in your house of luck in the money. For their manufacture, to take any currency in the wire coloured green. Roll of the coin of thread to form the platoon. Fasten the ends of a thread and hang the money from an amulet with the inside of the entrance door. Periodically, the ball can dribble the essential oils that attract money and financial well-being.
For the amulet in the money has improved their financial situation, not only should be done with their own hands, but correct and charge your positive energy. If you do not, the amulet will not have the magical power, and it will become a normal decoration.
As to energize the amulet in the money
There are many ways of charging energy effective amulets. Let's look at the modes more popular with more detail.
- Charging amulet of the energy of the elements: Earth, Water, Fire and Air.
For the amulet in the money received the force of the Water , in a glass, enter the water from a natural source and down at his amulet. Then, the glass with the amulet is placed to 3 days at a secluded place. After completing the ritual, the water is poured into the junction.
To load magic of the subject of the power of Fire , you must light the candle and take the amulet three times through the flame.
If you want to upload the amulet of the energy of the Earth , the throw-in in a quiet area of a small hole and place in it the magical talisman. Then, enter the hole with the amulet of the earth and leave it there for three days.
To charge the amulet on the money with the power of the Air , place your left hand and carried it to the lips. The holder of the magic of the object, you have to blow on the amulet.

- Charging amulet in money by the force of his own thought. For several weeks often keep your amulet in hand, and this sum of money.
- Charging joss the power of the light of the moon. On the moon or in the time of rising of the moon, place your amulet in the light of the moon. This way you not only load object magical energy, but also will increase their power.
Keep it charged money amulet in a place isolated or permanent, in the lead.
Do not allow other people to touch her magical pet. Periodically charge your new power and do not forget to amulet thank you for your support in cash assistance.